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COMP 1110 Intro to Computer Programming with Python


Students are introduced to the use of structured problem solving methods, algorithms, structured programming, and object-oriented programming concepts. Students use a high level programming language to learn how to design, develop, and document well-structured programs using software engineering principles. Students learn the workings of a computer as part of programming. This course is for students who plan to take further courses in Computing Science or to learn basic programming concepts.

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(The schedule can be changed.)

  1. Introduction to the course: Week 1
  2. Python basics: 1 week
  3. How to control flows - if-else, loops; Something more: 2 weeks
  4. How to reuse code - Functions: 2 weeks
  5. How to keep multiple values in a variable - Lists and Tuples (linear arrays): 2 weeks
  6. How to keep data with their names - Dictionaries (associative arrays): 2 weeks
  7. Strings: 1 week
  8. How to read from files and how to write data into files: 1 week
  9. What else?

  10. Seminars and labs
  11. Exams
  12. Current standing